Circle of Life Virtual Run
per item
Registration is $20, which includes a reflective buff. Race proceeds benefits Beat the Odds, Petersburg Medical Center Foundation’s Cancer Fundraising Committee.
If you registered for a buff please fill out the following Registration form. Buffs will be delivered to your front door step.
If you don't wish to register and receive a buff but still want to let us know you'll be participating, register below but don't leave your address!
*Anyone assisting with distribution of the Buffs will be screened and not allowed to participate if they meet any of the following criteria: a) have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of respiratory infection; b) have a history of out of-state travel within the past 14 days, or c) have a history of close contact to a person with COVID-19 or an undiagnosed respiratory infection in the past 14 days. Anyone assisting with distribution of the Buffs will wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds prior to and after handling the Buffs, will maintain at least six feet or more distance from people other than household members and will wear a cloth face covering.
If you don't wish to register and receive a buff but still want to let us know you'll be participating, register below but don't leave your address!
*Anyone assisting with distribution of the Buffs will be screened and not allowed to participate if they meet any of the following criteria: a) have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of respiratory infection; b) have a history of out of-state travel within the past 14 days, or c) have a history of close contact to a person with COVID-19 or an undiagnosed respiratory infection in the past 14 days. Anyone assisting with distribution of the Buffs will wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds prior to and after handling the Buffs, will maintain at least six feet or more distance from people other than household members and will wear a cloth face covering.